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Samurai Showdown Tony 
Posted by: Tony at 12:33 AM EST on 6/29/2003
File Under: Games

Another good game to play on MAME that I can pull from my head is Samurai Showdown. The slashing (especially the full-strength slashing that is accompanied by some slow motion) becomes a sort of addiction. It is pleasing when you slash at the enemy with a powerful attack and his lifebar loses a large chunk--taking it to zero, and there is an additional slow motion effect, so it's all like, "YEAH!!!!!!" Plus, it has a good level of difficulty and to me it seems to have more strategy than Soul Calibur (I'm not joking, but I did suck at Soul Calibur, so that could explain it.) Samurai Showdown II is too difficult for me, so I didn't enjoy it.
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