Changelog |
- Um, I dunno. I'm back?
To Do |
- Work on plot to take over the Earth
Quote of the Moment |
The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it. -- John Perry Barlow
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Animal Crossing... a.k.a. GameCube CRACK!
Posted by: Tim at 1:39 AM EST on 10/2/2002
File Under: Games -> GameCube -> Quickview
Why no updates? Animal Crossing, that's why! I'm so goddamn addicted to this game that I don't even feel like taking the time to write out a post extolling all of its virtues - and believe me, there are many. Instead, I'm driven to play the game and scour the web for information and people to trade items with. So, I'll just link to my AC trade list and return to my crack (err... Animal Crossing) addiction.
Initial Vibe: *Drool*